- Games 328221
- 7 Days to Die 63
- Age of Empires 366
- Age of Mythology 46
- Age of Wonders 240
- ALIEN: Isolation 74
- ArcheAge 11
- ARK: Survival Evolved 66
- Arma 420
- Armored Warfare: Проект Армата 206
- Baldur's Gate 3 111
- Banished 8
- Batman: Arkham Knight 147
- Battle.net 182
- Battlefield 1 131
- Battlefield Hardline 48
- Battlefield V 135
- Black Desert 56
- Blade and Soul 15
- Bless Online 2
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 74
- Call of Duty: WWII 65
- Car Mechanic Simulator 336
- Chess The Gathering 2
- Chivalry 56
- Cities: Skylines 755
- Clash of Clans 32
- Counter-Strike 383
- Crossout 107
- Crusader Kings 330
- Cyberpunk 2077 229
- Dark Souls 288
- DarkOrbit 1
- DayZ 124
- Dead Rising 212
- Destiny 2 636
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 117
- Divinity 132
- Don't Starve 268
- Doom 432
- Dragon Age 187
- Dying Light 452
- EA Game Cards (EA Cash Cards) 11
- EA Play/Origin 81
- EA Sports FC (FIFA) 552
- East India Company 6
- Eets 2
- Elden Ring 274
- Elite: Dangerous 75
- Enclave 7
- Endless Legend 17
- Escape from Tarkov 45
- Euro Truck Simulator 921
- Evolve 3
- Fallout 655
- Farming Simulator 424
- Firewatch 16
- Football Manager 81
- For Honor 427
- Formula 1 (F1) 178
- Fortnite 785
- Forza 964
- H1Z1 11
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 67
- Heroes of the Storm 18
- Hitman 2016 11
- Homefront: The Revolution 59
- Hunt: Showdown 790
- Hurtworld 7
- Insurgency 338
- Just Cause 2 40
- Just Cause 3 103
- Killing Floor 226
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 309
- Knights and Merchants 3
- Knockout City 3
- Lords Of The Fallen 121
- Mad Max 69
- Magicka 94
- Metal Gear Solid 195
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 86
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War 97
- Minecraft 513
- Monster Hunter 367
- Murdered: Soul Suspect 29
- NBA 2K 310
- Need For Speed 572
- Nexon 2
- NHL 106
- Nidhogg 7
- No Man's Sky 72
- Overwatch 142
- Path of Exile 158
- Planetary Annihilation 9
- Plants vs Zombies 118
- Playstation Store 1363
- Prison Architect 57
- Project CARS 82
- Prototype 63
- Rainbow Six 346
- Red Dead Redemption 331
- Risen 3 27
- Rocket League 53
- Ryse: Son of Rome 21
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R 259
- Sacred 3 25
- Sniper Elite 362
- South Park 153
- Space Engineers 124
- Space Rangers HD 11
- Spintires 23
- Star Wars Battlefront 122
- State of Decay 64
- Steam Trading Cards 13
- Stronghold Crusader 2 59
- Stronghold Kingdoms 9
- Terraria 73
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 43
- The Crew 295
- The Division 299
- The Evil Within 114
- The Forest 78
- The Long Dark 72
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 18
- Trainz Simulator 60
- Tropico 369
- Unreal Tournament 9
- V okope 2
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War 35
- Walking Dead 128
- Warface 102
- Wargame 27
- Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 191
- Wasteland 72
- Wolfenstein 240
- World of Warplanes 6
- World of Warships 118
- Worms 300
- XBOX: random 1
- XCOM 166
- Elder Scrolls Online 312
- 933
- 4GAME 2
- Age of Conan 9
- Aion 18
- Aliens vs Predator 30
- Aliens: Colonial Marines 29
- Allods Online 2
- Anno 437
- APB (All Points Bulletin) 1
- Assassin's Creed 1316
- Batman: Arkham City 28
- Batman: Arkham Origins 73
- Battlefield 3 76
- Battlefield 4 220
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 16
- BattleForge 1
- BioShock 176
- Borderlands 610
- Brink 4
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 545
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts 88
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 69
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 559
- Company of Heroes 182
- Crysis 149
- CyKash 1
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic 10
- Darksiders II 61
- Dead Island 386
- Dead Space 258
- Demigod 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution 47
- Devil May Cry 405
- Diablo 3 74
- Dirt 291
- Dishonored 111
- Dota 2 643
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 165
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 1
- Eve Online 32
- Far Cry 963
- FEAR 70
- Final Fantasy 537
- Forgotten Dimensions 7
- Galactic Manager 6
- Garry's Mod 34
- Ghost Recon 338
- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 483
- Grid 115
- Guild Wars 2 75
- Half-Life 89
- Hitman Absolution 35
- Injustice 163
- League of Legends 88
- Left 4 Dead 2 36
- LEGO 1228
- Lineage II 60
- Lord of the Rings Online 8
- Lost Planet 3 22
- Mafia 280
- Mass Effect 143
- Max Payne 3 34
- Medal of Honor 33
- Metro 425
- Might & Magic: Heroes 93
- Mortal Kombat 1019
- Mortal Online 10
- Mount & Blade 153
- Nintendo 467
- Payday 624
- Perfect World 9
- Portal 2 38
- Pro Evolution Soccer 16
- R2 Online 1
- RAGE 63
- Ragnarok Online 5
- Red Orchestra 2 19
- Resident Evil 1266
- RIFT 3
- Rust 143
- Saints Row 269
- Second Life 1
- Secret World 12
- Serious Sam 3: BFE 37
- Sid Meier's Civilization 553
- SimCity 16
- Sleeping Dogs 56
- Splinter Cell 79
- Star Trek Online 14
- Star Wars Galaxies 3
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 27
- StarCraft II 46
- Steam 906
- Syndicate 2
- Team Fortress 2 13
- Tera Online 4
- The Sims 1217
- Thief 70
- Titanfall 112
- Tomb Raider 475
- Torchlight 65
- Total Control 81
- Total War 1088
- Warhammer 40,000 1106
- Warhammer Online 2
- Watch Dogs 461
- Witcher 242
- World of Tanks 205
- World of Warcraft 305
- X Rebirth 18
- Miscellaneous 278472
- IP Telephony 53
- Mobile Telephony 83
- Payment systems 2
- Satellite TV 11
- Cards 491
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