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Drawings aircraft Piper Cub
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Uploaded: 19.03.2008
Content: piper_chert.zip 1878,5 kB
Product description
The plane is a strut-braced high power designs mixed with fabric covering, the traditional tail, fixed landing gear and enclosed double shower.
The fuselage truss, welded pipes of stainless steel covered with a cloth 12H18N10T.Snaruzhi farm. The forward fuselage cabin available. The layout of the cab is very "tight". Front seat pilot is between the rear legs. The dashboard is one - at the front pilot. Entrance to the cabin is via a wide double door in the starboard side. Knob at the front removable pilot.
Wing Piper Cub J-3 with a V-shaped strut has dvuhlonzheronnoe scheme. Wing spars - wooden box structure. Ribs - truss, wood.
Chassis welding of pipes. Depreciation corded uprights, made with a rubber cord tensile. Side flat farm chassis covered with a cloth.
Engine aircraft - modified car Subaru EA-71 with a gear reducer, the maximum power 86l.s. equipped with monoblock wooden fixed-pitch propeller.
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