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Drawings of equipment for production of foam
Refunds: 3
Uploaded: 21.11.2005
Content: 51121225904443.rar 2026,6 kB
Product description
I suggest you pack dokumenatsii for self-built equipment for the production of foam which consists of a mixer and a blender penogeneratora.Ёmkost 0.18kuba.Proizvoditelnost cubes 7-8 / smenu.Pochti all components and parts are standard and podobranny so that they can easily buy in any region. From such a low cost of the equipment, about 5,000 rub..Ne despite this equipment works better than the factory counterparts, with whom I was shamelessly torn off and odaptirovano for construction at minimal cost in the garage usloviyah.My working on this equipment almost 2 goda.Ispolzovali mainly in construction, particularly in the casting of floors and fill in opalubku.Osenyu started production of partitions and block t.k.do do not have their manufacturing base.
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