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Responses to test Far East Gossudarstvennogo Humanitarian Technical College (DVGGTK) on the subject of "Environmental Law", the answers are in the format of word, packed in .rar archive. Answers to tests DVGGTK latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
Format: question-> answer options -> marked by the correct answer. Only here presented relevant and qualitative answers to tests DVGGTK adequate affordable price!
The questions in the test:
1. Human Ecology - is
spetsialnaya biological science of the relationship between living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
ponyatie indicated in the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"
izuchenie human exposure to both natural and socio-economic factors of the environment
nauka Habitats
2. What does the term "ecology"?
Sotsialnye aspects of the Company´s interaction with the environment
dom, housing, home, and "logos" -Science)
Vzaimootnoshenie living organisms (including humans) with one another and the environment
Vozdeystvie person both natural and socio-economic factors
Nauka of habitat (from the Greek. "Yokos"
3. What is the purpose of human ecology?
Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
Formirovanie public relations, which have a legal character and are formed in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
Zaschita ecological environment
4. What is the subject of human ecology?
Zaschita his life, health, capacity for biological production and its resistance genes, resistance mutations and other environmental influences
volevye social relations that are legal in nature and consist in the relationship of all the components of nature, as well as the totality of material, cultural and historic sites that make up the human environment and ensuring the conditions of his life
Zaschita ecological environment
Formirovanie ecological culture and training of specialists in the field of environmental protection
5. Environmentally friendly - it
zaschita ecological environment
eto human use of the environment to meet the economic,
environmental, cultural and recreational needs
sistema measures aimed at the preservation, improvement of the environment, prevention of harmful effects of economic and other human activities
sistema measures to protect the vital interests of the person
adverse environmental impact
6. What are the three essentially separate but closely related environmental human rights, the Constitution enshrines the Russian Federation (to eliminate wrong answer)?
Pravo to a healthy environment
Pravo to reliable information about its state
Pravo for damages caused to health or property by ecological
Pravo to life
7. What is the most important right of every individual is the basis of the existence of all humanity from which flow all the other rights, including environmental?
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