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Economic Geography Answers Synergy Test
Content: Ответы Экономическая география.pdf 219,38 kB
Product description
Economic geography answers to tests Synergy and MOI. Score 90/100 points Excellent
Where are the most significant manganese ore resources in Russia represented?
in Western Siberia
in the Urals
in Transbaikalia
in the North Caucasus
What percentage of the country´s population lives in the Far East region?
In which regions of the North-West region of Russia, in conditions of sufficient moisture and the required amount of heat, has flax cultivation been developed for a long time?
in the Pskov and Novgorod regions
in the Leningrad and Novgorod regions
in the Pskov and Kaliningrad regions
in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions
Which of the small towns of the Central Region of Russia is the first city of science that arose in the 20s? XX century?
The area with the highest population density is:
Far Eastern
North Caucasian
West Siberian
Indicate an error in the list of Russian cities in which plants of the full metallurgical cycle are located:
What is the main form of Russia´s foreign economic relations?
foreign trade (export and import)
financial relations
credit relations
currency relations
international specialization
Which of the following airports is located in St. Petersburg?
Define the region of Russia, which includes two regions, which has a developed mechanical engineering and chemical industries, using imported raw materials. The district´s own resources are forest and water:
Central Black Earth
West Siberian
North Caucasian
Far Eastern
What products prevail in Russian imports?
mechanical engineering products
ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Where are the main resources of tin in Russia concentrated?
in Eastern Siberia and the Far East
in the Urals
in Transbaikalia
in the North Caucasus
Which of the following cities in the Ural region is not a millionaire city?
Indicate the name of the scientist - the founder of Soviet economic geography:
What is the largest base in the country formed on the territory of the Central Black Earth Region (within the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly)?
iron ore base
reinforced concrete base
base of apatite-nepheline deposits
What part of the Far Eastern region belongs to the Far Eastern North?
Chukotka Autonomous District
Jewish Autonomous Region
Primorsky Krai
Khabarovsk region
Amur region
Which sea is not related to the North Caucasian region of Russia?
Barencevo sea
Caspian Sea
Black Sea
Azov sea
What is population migration?
relocation of people from one area of residence to another
relocation, forced or voluntary, from one´s homeland to another country
stay outside their homeland due to involuntary or voluntary resettlement
What is the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths in a certain time called?
natural population growth
demographic indicators
migration outflow
natural population decline
Which port is the only ice-free port in Russia in the north?
What is the name of the process of economic specialization of individual territories in the production of one or more types of products and services, subject to their subsequent exchange with other territories?
geographical (territorial) division of labor
rational territorial division of labor
integrated development of the economy of economic regions
What does the forestry complex include?
harvesting, machining and chemical processing of wood
extraction and processing of wood
Additional information
What is the prevailing climate in RUSSIA?
moderate continental
temperate sharply continental
moderate monsoon
To which group, in terms of economic value and functional features, belong water protection, soil protection, reserved and other forests in which deforestation is prohibited (forest belts, nature reserves, forest parks, health resorts, etc.)?
to group I
to group II
to group III
Which countries prevail in the distribution of Russian foreign trade by region?
non-CIS countries
neighboring countries
countries of the South Asia subregion
Where are the oil fields located in the West Siberian region?
in the Middle Ob region
in Kuzbass
in Surgut
in Urengoy
What is the fuel and energy complex (FEC)?
a complex intersectoral system for the extraction and production of fuel and energy (electricity and heat), their transportation, distribution and use
a set of related industries and stages of the production process from the extraction of raw materials to the production of finished products% of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys
complex interdisciplinary education covering mechanical engineering and metalworking
a set of interconnected sectors of the economy involved in the production, processing of agricultural products and bringing it to the consumer
What place does Russia occupy in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants?
ninth place
first place
fourth place
tenth place
What kind of mechanical engineering covers the industries that produce cars, tractors, machine tools, machines and equipment of medium size for industry, agriculture, transport and construction?
secondary mechanical engineering
heavy engineering
general engineering
Which basin is the largest for the transportation of Russian goods?
Black Sea-Azov basin
Far Eastern basin
Baltic basin
Arctic Ocean basin
In which area of the Volga region does the mortality rate exceed the birth rate?
in the Republic of Kalmykia
in the Republic of Tatarstan
in the Astrakhan region
in the Volgograd region
in the Penza region
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