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Economic mathematical methods of test answers
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Collection of test tasks on discipline
"Economic-mathematical methods and models", the number of questions - 30.
Do not forget to leave feedback.
Task 1
Question 1. What is done in the first stage of economic and mathematical research:
1. Statement of the Problem.
2. Observation of phenomena and the collection of baseline data.
3. Construction of a mathematical model.
4. Calculation model.
5. Testing and analysis of model output.
Question 2. Economic-mathematical model is designed to solve
1. economic challenges,
2. technical problems
3. The natural-scientific problems,
4. The universal problems
5. The socio-economic problems.
Question 3. A variable changing value which can be closer to this goal is called:
1. The controlled variable,
2. exogenous variable,
3. endogenous variable,
4. vneshnezadavaemym factor
5. random or uncertain factor.
Question 4. model specification is called:
1. The definition of the form and according to the choice of factors,
2. checking the adequacy of the model,
3. Verification of the model,
4. The adjustment of the model,
5. The application of research results.
Question 5. If the model specification is complicated, it is used:
1. simulations
2. clustering methods
3. stochastic models,
4. queuing model,
5. Dynamic models.
Task 2
Question 1. The space products
1. unlimited,
2. convex
3. convex, closed and bounded,
4. discretely,
5. Unlimited
Question 2. The solution of linear programming problem may be the only in
1. nodal points SDT
2. on the border of SDT,
3. in the interior of SDT,
4. arbitrary points in space products,
5. arbitrary points.
Question 3. The gradient indicates the direction
1. The maximum growth of the function,
2. The growth of the function,
3. The minimum growth of the function,
4. The decrease of the function,
5. unchanging values \u200b\u200bof the function.
Question 4. Nonuniqueness decision means
1 can be obtained by increasing the value of function,
2 can be obtained by a smaller value of the function,
3. The extreme value is achieved in a number of points,
4. The solution does not exist,
5. The need to change the method of solving problems.
Question 5: Can the function x2 - y2 be neoclassical?
1. Yes,
2. No
3. may, under certain assumptions,
4. The system-dependent restrictions,
5. may, after monotone transformations.
Activity 3
Question 1. A basic solution may be a support program if it is:
1. contains only positive values,
2 contains only negative values,
3 consists of a non-negative values,
4. consists of an integer value,
5. contains only zeros.
Question 2. The optimality criterion is the simplex method:
1. The estimated difference,
2. The assessment,
3. The value of the objective function,
4. nonnegative solutions,
5. stability of the solution.
Question 3. Stability of solutions - is:
1. The ability to maintain the solution when changing external factors
2. a permanent solution,
3. nonnegative solutions,
4. The achievement of the extreme value of the objective function,
5. that the solution of feasible solutions.
Question 4. If the line is no solution, then the dual problem:
1. also has no solutions,
2. has a solution
3. has only the trivial solution,
4. has only integer solution,
5. can not be formulated.
Question 5. For the problem of the optimal production program in the dual variable - is:
1. The shadow price of resources
2. the market price of commodities,
3. The value of the resources,
4. The profits from the sale of goods,
5. The costs of the production of goods.
Task 4.
Question 1. The transportation problem - a kind:
1. linear programming problem,
2. The problem of nonlinear programming,
3. The integer progr
Additional information
Question 3. The transportation plan is optimal if the estimated difference is:
1. The non-positive,
2. neoritsatelnoy,
3. positive
4. otritsatelnoy,
5. zero.
4. If Q m + n-1 is not equal to the number of cells filled, this means that:
1. Plan pereozok nondegenerate
2. The transportation plan degenerate,
3. The problem has no solution,
4. The problem has more than one solution,
5. The demand does not equal supply.
Question 5. The method of potentials in comparison with the primary transportation plan allows you to change the total cost to the side:
1. reduction,
2. increase,
3. stabilization
4. does not change the total cost,
5. The possibility of further optimization.
Task 5.
Question 1. The formula is a Cobb-Douglas:
1. The production function
2. The cost function,
3. The function of technology,
4. The profit function,
5. The utility function.
Question 2: Which of the above formula describes neoklassichesuyu PFKD?
1. 5K0,5 L0.8
Question 3. Isocosts is a line-level
1. The costs of production,
2. income (revenue)
3. profits
4. The rate of substitution of resources
5. Useful Resources
Question 4. Cobb-Douglas function in the case of a homogeneous function:
1. The zero-order,
2. a first order,
3. The second order,
4. The third order,
5. not a homogeneous function.
Question 5. According to the Solow model "golden rule" is a rule:
1. The choice of the optimal amount of capital to maximize the share of consumption,
2. The selection of the optimal proportion of consumption to maximize the amount of capital
3. The selection of investments optimalnogo,
4. sootnosheiya optimum between investment and revenue,
5. The capital-increase stability.
Task 6
Question 1. The utility function is defined:
1 up to a constant,
2. up to a monotonic transformation
3. accurate for decision-makers,
4. Only for a given set of goods,
5. Only dyal moment of choice.
Question 2. The boundary of the budget set is a homogeneous function:
1. The zero-order,
2. a first order,
3. The second order,
4. The third order,
5. not a homogeneous function.
Question 3. The point of demand is:
1 on the border of the budget set
2. outside the scope of the budget ogrnicheniya,
3. in the area of \u200b\u200bbudgetary constraints,
4. an arbitrary point in space products,
5. outside space Toarcian.
Question 4. The model stipulates R.Stouna
1. The minimum kolichyaestvo benefits
2. The maximum amount of benefits,
3. The function of demand,
4. subjects rolskoshi demand function,
5. interchangeability benefits.
Q5: If the item is:
etc ...
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