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Economic theory test 125 questions with answers MEI
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Task 1
Question 1: Microeconomics, unlike macroeconomic studies:
1. Only the behavior of the individual consumer;
2.ekonomiku territorial unit;
3.ekonomicheskie conditions for a short period of time;
4.vzaimodeystvie structural units of the economy;
5.povedenie individual economic indicators.
Question 2. Of these models is not micro:
1.model company;
2.model inflation;
3.model consumer;
4.model market equilibrium;
5.model industry.
Question 3. The problem of scarcity can be solved if:
1.lyudi will abandon the competition in favor of cooperation;
2.budut open virtually inexhaustible source of energy;
3. All countries in the world will become post-industrial society;
4.povsemestno will be increased productivity.
5. All the above is not true;
Question 4. Choose the answer, which identifies only examples of various factors of production:
1.menedzher, gas, land, car
2.rabotnik conveyor belt, car
3.voditel, a bank employee, factory air
4.voda, tractor, earth, the foreman;
5.sredi given answer is no right answer.
Question 5: Opportunity cost of a new stadium - is:
1.You can pay for his security and other personnel;
2.Price stadium construction in the next year;
3.Change actual tax rate, which is paid from the proceeds of the stadium;
4.tsena other goods and services whose production is sacrificed to the construction of this stadium;
5.net correct answer.
Task 2
Question 1. A person who has the ability to get a job with pay from 40 to 60 rubles. per hour, the opportunity cost of one hour of leisure are:
1.40 rub .;
2.50 rub .;
3.60 rub .;
4.70 rub .;
5.100 rubles.
Question 2. Within two working days carpenter Ivan and Vasily make tables and shelves. Ivan could make two tables, or one shelf, Basil - two tables or three shelves. Alternative production costs for each shelf carpenter are:
1. For Basil -2/3 to -2 Ivan;
2. For Basil - 3/2 for Ivan - 1/2
3. For Basil - 3/2 for Ivan - 2;
4. For Basil - 2/3 for Ivan - 1/2
5.opredelit impossible.
Question 3. Full use of all resources in the production possibility curve shows any:
1.tochka lying outside the production possibility curve;
2.tochka lying inside the production possibility curve;
3.tochka lying on the production possibility curve;
4.tochka lying on the production possibility curve, which achieved the best satisfaction of needs of society;
5.net correct answer.
Question 4. A point located inside the production possibility frontier shows that:
1.obschestvo full use of its available resources;
2.obschestvo not fully use their economic resources;
3.obschestvo does not use economic resources;
4.obschestvo use resources efficiently;
5.verny answers 2 and 4.
Question 5. The law of increasing opportunity cost applies if production possibilities curve is:
1.vypukluyu form;
2. Form a straight line;
3.vognutuyu form;
4.lyubuyu form;
5.verny answers 1 and 2.
Activity 3
Question 1: For students of the value of alternative training at the University reflects:
1. The sizes of the scholarship;
2. Maximum earnings, which can be obtained, to drop out,
3.zatraty state average education specialist;
4.zatraty parents on the content of the student;
5.transportnye costs.
Question 2. You must make a choice: Do you do to study at the Faculty of Economics of the University of surcharge or work for several years assistant economist. Calculate the opportunity cost of your decision to study at the Faculty of Economics, where:
- Tuition fee is 4 th. P. in year;
- The cost of food - 3,5 thousand. P .;
- Pay to rent a room - 2.5 thousand. P .;
-zarabotnaya board assistant ekonomista- 1.8 thousand. p. in year;
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |