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Economic theory (tests MEI)
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Task 1
Question 1. What is the common basis with other sciences of society is economic theory?
1) political economy;
2) modern philosophy;
3) sociology;
4) Human Sciences;
5) biology.
Question 2. What laws are used in the economic philosophy of science?
1) the unity and struggle of opposites;
2) the law of the negation;
3) the law of marginal utility;
4) The law of the negation, the unity and struggle of opposites;
5) The correct answer is only 2 and 3.
Question 3. What is the subject of economic theory?
1) economic relations in society;
2) people will not mediated phenomena;
3) mediated consciousness phenomena and processes;
4) the spiritual and material interests;
5) social needs.
Question 4. Specify the most complete definition of the method:
1) a set of techniques by which defines the purpose of the economy;
2) a set of charts, graphs, necessary for the study of economic theory;
3), this set of methods, techniques, principles, which are determined by means achieving the goals;
4) an analysis of the internal relations, the laws of production;
5) a set of principles for the organization of production processes.
Question 5. What method involves the analysis of practical human activity, based on the principles of maximum effectiveness?
1) positive;
2) standard;
3) the collection of information, analysis and synthesis;
4) scientific abstraction;
5) dialectic.
Task 2
Question 1. What is the main watershed between the different views on the economy in the period of the ancient world, the slave and feudal system?
1) in relation to subsistence farming;
2) through the relationship to the physical and monetary economy;
3) with respect to the money economy;
4) with respect to forms of money circulation;
5) in relation to the sources of the development of society.
Question 2: Who is the author systematize economic views between the ancient, slave and feudal periods?
1) Xenophon;
2) Plato;
3) Aristotle;
4) Solon;
5) Pericles.
Question 3. Which of Science (forms) are clearly identified and systematized Aristotle?
1) economy;
2) sociology;
3) chrematistics;
4) economic and chrematistics;
5) None of these.
Question 4. Which of the ancient teachings preached ´´ fair price ´´, ´´ fair trade ´?
1) St. Thomas Aquinas;
2) Augustine;
3) Plato;
4) Aristotle;
5) Solon.
Question 5. What are the common signs of mercantilism?
1) exchange;
2) as the highest form of wealth considered money;
3) the handling and production;
4) as the wealth of the production envisaged;
5) consumption.
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