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Economics (2 jobs)
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Product description
Make a calculation of the selling price of 100 servings of food sold in the cafe. Determine the free sale price of a single serving dishes.
It is well known: 1. The rate of application products per serving dishes: beef - 100 g, fat - 10 g, onions - 60 g flour - 5 g, pickles - '20, spices - 3 years
2. Free selling price (excluding VAT) for 1 to beef - 70 rub., Fat - 40 rubles., Bow - 5 rubles. Flour - 8 rubles., Pickles - 20 rub., Spices - 100 rubles.
3. The single margin - 50%.
4. VAT - 18%.
Test items
3.1. Free retail price of imported goods more than the estimated prices:
a) VAT levied at release for free circulation
b) allowance trading
c) VAT is levied during customs clearance
g) customs duties
3.2. The allowance trading includes:
a) the cost of production
b) profits
c) distribution costs
d) the cost of advertising
d) the transport tax
List of references 5
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