Экономико математические методы контрольная

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Product description

Verification work on the theoretical foundations of economic and mathematical methods and models

Question 1. Describe the main problems encountered in the quantitative description of economic problems.
Question 2. Define the objective function, list the factors affecting it.
Question 3. Identify the basic problem of linear programming. What economic sense carries the requirement nonnegative variables?
Question 4. Formulate a necessary and sufficient condition for an unconditional extremum of function of many variables.
Question 5: In what case is a local extremum and global?
Question 6. List the main provisions for the approximation of neoclassical economic functions.
Question 7: What is the non-uniqueness of the solution of the optimization problem?
Question 8. Formulate optimality criterion of the simplex method.
Question 9. Formulate optimality criterion of the transportation problem.
Question 10: Give an economic sense, and the average marginal characteristics of Cobb-Douglas function.

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