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Empire as a form of state (2016)
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Empire as a form of state-territorial structure of the state (2016)
Introduction 3
1. Forms of state-territorial structure 5
2. Historical and modern empires 8
3. Characteristics of the main features of the empire as a form of state-territorial structure of the state 14
Conclusion 27
References 29
1. Vanyukov D.A. Imperial projects / D. A. Vanyukov, I. I. Kuznetsov, D. V. Samsonov. M.: Book. The Knigovek Club, 2010. 416 p.
2. Ilyin I.A. Our tasks. M .: Education, 1994. S. 41.
3. Ilyin M.V. Words and meanings. Experience describing key political concepts. M .: ROSSPAN, 1997. 432 p.
4. Isaev, I. A. Topos and nomos: spaces of law and order. M .: Norma, 2007. 416 p.
5. Kaspe S.I. Empire and modernization. The general model and the Russian specificity. M.: ROSSPEN, 2001. 256 p.
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7. Omelchenko O. A. The general history of state and law: studies. In 2 t. T. 1. M.: TON-PRIOR, 1999. 528 p.
8. Smolin MB Secrets of the Russian Empire. M .: Veche, 2013. 432 p.
9. Theory of State and Law / Ed. V.M. Korelskogo, V.D. Perevalov. M .: Norma, 2016. 568 p.
10. Toynbee A.J. Comprehension of history. M.: Progress, 1991. 736 p.
11. Federalist: political essays by A. Hamilton, J. Madison and J. Jay. M.: Progress, 1993. 568 p.
12. Chirkin V.E. Atypical forms of government in the modern state // State and law. 1995. № 8. S. 33-39.
13. Chirkin V.E. Basics of Comparative State Studies. M .: Lawyer, 2006. 422 p.
14. Schlesinger A. The cycles of American history. M .: Progress, 1992. 688 p.
15. Yavich, L. S., On the philosophy of law in the 21st century. //Jurisprudence. 2010. No. 4. P. 4-33.
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