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Employees of one of the branches of JSC turned
Content: S19-776.docx 18,03 kB
Product description
Employees of one of the branches of JSC asked the employer to improve working conditions, motivating them to work in confined spaces (5 people in one small room), often at the same time receiving customers very noisy, the room is poorly ventilated, in winter there is insufficient lighting , as a result, workers had a constant headache and their vision deteriorated. In addition, half of the workers are women.
The employer considered the requirements of workers unreasonable, referring to the fact that each of them has a desk (workplace), a personal computer, and as for women, special guarantees are provided only for those working with harmful or dangerous working conditions.
Your opinion? What is meant by labor protection, what works are considered harmful or dangerous; what is meant by a “workplace”; What labor protection responsibilities do employers have?
Additional information
After payment you will be available a link to the solution of this problem in the file of MS Word. It should be noted that the problem solutions put up for sale were successfully handed over in the period 2009-2019 and could be outdated. However, the general algorithm will always remain true.
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