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Engineering symbols
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 16.12.2015
Content: УГО машиностроение.rar 1744,15 kB
Product description
Collection conditional graphical symbols for engineering drawings, diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation.
1. ASB fasteners
GOST 2.315-68 "Unified system for design documentation. Pictures simplified and conventional fasteners. "
2. ASB cars on way of installation
GOST 2479-79 "Rotating electrical machines. Symbols Design on way of installation. "
3. ASB permanent joints
GOST 2.313-82 "Unified system for design documentation. Symbols and notation of permanent connections. "
4. ASB support clamps
GOST 3.1107-81 "Unified system of technological documentation. Supports, clamps and mounting devices. Symbols ".
5. ASB welds
GOST 2.312-72 "Unified system for design documentation. Symbols and designations of the welds. "
6. ASB surface roughness
GOST 2.309-73 "Unified system for design documentation. Surface texture symbols. "
7. ASB elements kinematics
GOST 2.770-68 "Unified system for design documentation. Conditional graphic designations in schemes. Elements kinematics ".
TAGs: drawing of bolts, nuts, drawing, drawings, engineering, engineering technology, roughness processing, processing details.
Format - DWG.
7 regulations.
243 element.
100% in accordance with GOST.
Elements for easy tool palette assembled in blocks of AutoCAD 2010.
The archive also contains the halyards, made as a standard drawing format, DWG, compatible with AutoCAD 2000-2016, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD etc.
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