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English 40 questions. DZ RFET
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Uploaded: 12.12.2018
Content: Английский язык ответы на 40 вопросов.pdf 125,69 kB
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English language 40 questions. DZ RFET. The work was done in 2018 perfectly.
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Questions for verification:
I. Find antonyms to the following words: 1.good - ... a) bad; b) sad; c) dead. 2.big - ... a) large; b) small; c) enormous. 3.there - ... a) nowhere; b) anywhere; c) here. 4.wrong - ... a) correct; b) incorrect; c) mistaken. 5.near - ... a) far; b) close to; c) next to.
Ii. Insert the missing prepositions: in, on, for, to. 11.We went ... .. Italy some days ago. a) to; b) for; c) on. 12.Mr. Ivanov visited France ……. September. a) to; b) for; c) in.
Iii. Insert possessive pronouns according to the number, person and gender of the subject. 16.The boy is playing with .... football. a) his; b) her; c) their. 17.The boys are playing with .... football. a) his; b) her; c) their. 18.The girl has tennis racket in .... hand. a) his; b) her; c) their.
Iv. Put the verbs at the right time (Present Simple or Present Continuous). 26.Mr. Priestley always (to wear) a dark suit. a) wears; b) is wearing; c) wear. 27.Today he (to wear) a dark brown one. a) wears; b) is wearing; c) wear. 28.In the picture Priestley (to sit) in an armchair. a) sits; b) is sitting; c) sit. 29.He generally (to sit) in that chair in the evening. a) sits; b) is sitting; c) sit. 30.I never (to go) to bed before eleven o’clock at night. a) goes; b) is going; c) go.
V. Form the interrogative form: 36.He will come tomorrow. a) Will he come tomorrow? b) Does he come tomorrow? c) Will he comes tomorrow?
37.That book will be useful to him. a) Will that book useful for him? b) Does that book be useful to him? c) Will that book be useful to him? 38.I will have a class of English tomorrow. a) Will you have a class of English tomorrow? b) Do you have a class of English tomorrow? c) Will you be a class of English tomorrow? 39.Hob will be late again tomorrow. a) Will Hob late again tomorrow? b) Does Hob be late again tomorrow? c) Will Hob be late again tomorrow? 40.We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week. a) Will visit Mr. Dowson again next week? b) We will visit Mr. Dowson again next week? c) Will we visit Mr. Dowson again next week
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