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Product description
Workbooks on the subject of "English as a medium in business communication" (UD 93)
Subject task 1 (Case study 1)
Put these suggestions into English using the official expression:
I regret to inform ...
I hope that our cooperation will be successful.
Please let me know if you need help.
I would be very grateful if you would allow me to visit your company.
Thank you for your kind invitation, but I can not see your company because of the heavy workload at work.
Subject task 2 (Case study 2)
To add text with the words: bald, beard, blue, casualty, early, ears, fair, glasses, good-looking, heavily, look, narrow, serious, smile, straight, strong, thin.
I'm in my ......... fifties.
I'm very tall and quite .................. built, but I have rather ................ shoulders.
I'ma little overweight.
I have ........... medium-length ................ hair, but I'm going ........... ........, so there isn'ta lot of it left.
I have a gray ............. and moustache.
My eyes are ............, and I wear .....................
I've got a rather long face, with a ................. chin, a big nose and a big .............. ........
I have ......... lips, and I usually have a ............... expression; but my face changes a lot when I .................
I have a high forehead; I like to think that it looks intelligent.
Clothes are not very important tome, and I'm usually very .................. dressed.
1 don't think I'm very .............., but I'm not all that bad-looking either.
I probably ............... a bit younger than lam.
Subject task 3 (Case study B).
You need to ask for directions. Read and memorize expressions:
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to .............?
could you tell me the way to ............, please?
will you show me the way to ............., please?
would you show me the way to ..., please? how can / do I get to ....? where's the nearest ...?
Make five short dialogues, using words and useful expressions of the columns A and B.
post - office go straight on / ahead
stadium turn right at the corner
concert hall turn left at the crossroad
art gallery turn the corner and go along
supermarket cross the street and take the bus
exhibition walk up to the traffic lights
town hall take the first turn to the left
local market take the right fork in the road
Subject task 4 (Case study 4)
Restore your vocabulary. To pick up every word in the sense of the word opposite (antonym). Record pairs word and its antonym.
Agree, always, awake, beginning, buy, cheap, dark, dead, dirty, early, easy, empty, fast, female, find, first., Generous, happy, heavy, high, honest, hot, indoors, intelligent, interesting , into, laugh, left, long, love, most, new, nice, northeast, optimistic, outside, pull, question, quiet, remember, safe, stop, strong, take off, tall, thin, top, true, up, upstairs, warm, wet, win, wrong, young.
Subject task 5 (Case study 5)
Read the form, which you have to fill in the employment agencies. Put the question. In each section, add another 1-2 issue.
Are you:
interested in people? energetic? ambitions?
Have you got:
a good memory? a sense of humor?
1Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
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