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English Part 2 Test 2 MEI
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1. Select a suitable within the meaning of the word and insert it into the verb in the sentence: You look tired. Sit ... and have a cup of tea.
2. Select a suitable within the meaning of the word and insert it into the verb in the sentence: Turn .... the music. It's too loud!
3.Vybrat appropriate within the meaning of the word and insert it into the verb in the sentence: Come ...! You'll be late for college.
4.Vybrat appropriate within the meaning of the word and insert it into the verb in the sentence: John! Wake ...! Can you hear a noise downstairs?
38.Esli a letter signed by your name is placed before the name of an abbreviation:
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Number of questions - 38
Test 3.
Wrong answers can be correct, because the wrong answer marked 0.
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