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Now 10 am healthy, you say:
In response to the appreciation you answer:
What excuse references: He graduated ... the University in 1997.
Find the word that does not match the overall theme.
If you want to find out the wishes of the interlocutor, you should use the expression
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Instead of skipping insert pronoun: It is ... suggestion.
Insert the word "forced": We ... share our expenses.
Choose a synonym for the word "to be content to".
Find superlative adjective "grateful".
Find an explanation of the word "to invite"
From four to five words united by a common concept. Locate the fifth, not the right meaning.
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Find a date written without error (March 15, 1999).
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Find an explanation of the word "expenses".
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In a word, allowed a spelling mistake?
Find a couple of words that are synonyms
Give an explanation of the adjective: "up-to-date '.
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Among the words, hyphenated, get the word has no meaning
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