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Question 1. How do you do?
1. I am fine, thanks.
2. How do you do?
3. Good morning.
4. Glad to see you.
5. What about you?
Question 2. Hello! Nice to see you!
1. Good day!
2. Thank you very much.
3. How are you?
4. Hello! Nice to see you too!
5. Sorry! I am in a hurry.
Question 3. Let me introduce my friend Frank Black.
1. How do you do?
2. How are you?
3. Glad to see you.
4. It is nice to meet you.
5. What are you?
Question 4. Continue ice Let me introduce myself.
1. I am Sir Smith.
2. I am Smith.
3. I am Smith John.
4. I am Mike Smith.
5. I am doctor Mr Smith.
Question 5. Find the correct translation: He's a representative of the American company.
1. He is a representative of the American firm.
2. He is present in the American firm.
3. He is a representative to the American firm.
4. He is present at the American firm.
5. He present to American firm.
Task 2 - 5
Question 1: Who is 10 am healthy, you say:
1. Good morning!
2. Good afternoon!
3. Good evening!
4. Good night!
5. Good day!
Question 2. Do you agree with a friend to meet soon. Saying goodbye, you say:
1. Good bye!
2. See you!
3. So long!
4. See you later!
5. See you to-morrow.
Question 3. In response to the appreciation you answer:
1. Please.
2. Good bye!
3. Not at all.
4. Go on!
5. Hi!
Question 4. Do you want to present. Choose a phrase that has no grammatical errors.
1. I want introduce.
2. Let introduce me.
3. Let me to introduce myself.
4. I want me introduce.
5. Let me introduce myself.
Question 5. What excuse you set instead of a space: May I introduce our Sales Manager ... you?
1. -
2. to
3. for
4. with
5. by
Task 3 - 5
Question 1. What excuse references: He graduated ... the University in 1997.
1. -
2. at
3. with
4. from
5. out of
Question 2. What predlognado paste: This information is ... spesial interest to you.
1. with
2. of
3. for
4. -
5. in
Question 3. What excuse references: Our college can provide you ... high class specialists in different fields.
1. in
2. -
3. of
4. on
5. with
Question 4. How can replace the word underlined word in the phrase "supplementary information"
1. supper important
2. interesting
3. additional
4. useful
5. detailed
Question 5. What is the preposition or conjunction references: We would be interested ... a Letter of References is necessary.
1. in
2. on
3. with
4. whether
5. about
Task 4 - 5
Question 1. Find the word that does not match the overall theme.
1. job
2. career
3. position
4. work
5. winter
Question 2. Find the word that does not match the overall theme.
1. visit
2. diploma
3. certificate
4. References
5. document
Question 3. Jane Porter - a married woman. She received a letter from the firm. Find the right treatment.
1. Miss Porter!
2. Dear Madam Porter!
3. Mrs Porter!
4. Miss Jane!
5. Mrs Porter Jane!
Question 4. In which of the pair of words there is a mismatch
1. married - Mrs
2. single - Miss
3. Mrs - She
4. Mr - He
5. Mr Black and Mr White - Ladies
Question 5. Find the word that does not match the overall theme.
1. to be married
2. to be devorced
3. to be single
4. to be a widow
5. to be an accountant
Task 5 - 5
Question 1. If you wish to find out the wishes of the interlocutor, you should use the expression
1. Do you want ...
2. Do you like ...
3. Do you feel ...
4. Would you like ...
5. Would you want ..
Question 2. Select the correct translation: Please, if you can write it in English.
1. Please, write it in English, if you could.
2. Write it in English, please.
1. Will you write it in English?
2. Could you write it in English?
3. Can you write it in English?
Question 3. Find the interro
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