- Arts & Culture 6848
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- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 81
- Education & Science 77726
- Engineering 717
- Fiction 709
- House, Family & Entertainment 86
- Law 132
- Website Promotion 72
Excellent benefits, even for advanced HTM-eshnikov
Content: uchebnik_2.rar 636,7 kB
Product description
\u003chtml\u003e Contains the following lessons (and that's not all, there is also a tutorial lessons and CGI CSS):
Basic concepts.
Advertisement \u003c!DOCTYPE\u003e .
Delimitation of a document using an element \u003cHTML\u003e .
Element \u003cHEAD\u003e .
Create a document with the title tag \u003cTITLE\u003e <br> Resolution relative references by using the <BASE> <br> Providing search using the descriptor <ISINDEX> <br> Relationship between documents using a descriptor <LINK> <br> Provide additional information about the document using <META> <br > Defining the style pages using <STYLE> <br> element <BODY>. <br> Color Management. <br> hexadecimal color RGB <br> Task color with the string literal <br> Using safe color palette <br> structural format. <br> Comment <COMMENT> <br> Headlines <Hn> <br> Dividing line <HR> <br> element <P> <br> elements <BR> and <NOBR> <br> element <WBR> <br> Element <PRE> <br> element <DIV> <br> element <CENTER> <br> element <ADDRESS> <br> element <BLOCKQUOTE> <br> element <SPAN> <br> Organization lists. <br> element <OL> <br> element <UL> <br> element <MENU> <br> element <DIR> <br> element <DL> <br> Formatting characters. <br> element <EM> <br> element <CODE> <br> element <KBD> <br> element <VAR> <br> element <SAMP> <br> element <DFN> <br> element <CITE> < br> The element <STRONG> <br> element <I> <br> element <B> <br> element <U> <br> element <STRIKE> <br> element <TT> <br> element <SUP> <br > The <SUB> <br> element <BIG> <br> element <SMALL> <br> element <BLINK> <br> element <FONT> <br> element <BASEFONT> <br> element <ABBR> <br> Element <ACRONYM> <br> element <INS> <br> element <DEL> <br> element <Q> <br> organization links <A>. <br> Inserting objects into a document. <br> element <IMG> <br> element <MAP> <br> element <AREA> <br> element <BANNER> <br> element <BGSOUND> <br> element <MARQUEE> <br> element <APPLET> < br> The element <SCRIPT> <br> element <OBJECT> <br> element <EMBED> <br> Creating tables. <br> element <TABLE> <br> element <CAPTION> <br> element <COL> <br> element <COLGROUP> <br> element <THEAD> <br> element <TBODY> <br> element <TFOOT> < br> The element <TH> <br> element <TR> <br> element <TD> <br> Examples of writing tables. Creating forms <br> HTML. <br> element <FORM> <br> element <INPUT> <br> element <TEXTAREA> <br> element <SELECT> <br> element <ISINDEX> <br> element <OPTION> <br> element <OPTGROUP> < br> The element <BUTTON> <br> element <LABEL> <br> element <FIELDSET> <br> element <LEGEND> <br> Create a document using frames <br> element <FRAMESET> <br> element <FRAME> < br> The element <IFRAME> <br> example of a simple page layout with frames. <br> locale. <br> Character Encoding <br> Working with Russian encodings <br> encoding <br> Creating multilanguage documents <br> symbol table <br> </ html>
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