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Extraction of precious metals from electronic scrap Radio products
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Uploaded: 02.12.2024
Content: extraction-au.rar 43,39 kB
Product description
"Extraction of precious metals from scrap electronic and radio products" - this is an archive (Extraction-Au.rar), which in the form of HTML-documents is packaged the following information:
- Extraction.htm (extraction of platinum, palladium, gold and silver from the electronic components.)
- Microchip.htm, Microchip2.htm (the contents of precious metals in radio details. Chips. The content in grams per 1000 pcs.);
- Condensator.htm (the contents of precious metals in radio details. Capacitors. The content in grams per 1000 pcs.);
- Razyom.htm (the contents of precious metals in radio details. Connectors. The content in grams per 1000 pcs.);
- Transistor.htm (the contents of precious metals in radio details. Transistors. The content in grams per 1000 pcs.);
- Resistor.htm (the contents of precious metals in radio details. Resistance. The content in grams per 1000 pcs.).
These documents contain information about the number of precious metals in various radio details. We describe several methods of extracting precious metals from scrap electronic and radio products in the home.
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