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FBI Papers on the Search for Adolf Hitler, Volume 1
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Product description
We present to your attention a unique declassified archive of FBI documents on the search for the possible whereabouts of Adolf Hitler. Previously, these documents in such a volume were not published online. The uniqueness lies in the fact that these materials do not contain proofreading, all dates, names, locations are left unedited.
Investigation materials say that Hitler took a submarine to South America, and high-ranking Argentine officials provided him with a ranch in the southern Andes. This information reached the director of the FBI, Edgar Hoover, but the management of the bureau considered them "incomplete", deciding that it was impossible to continue the search for Hitler on the basis of this information.
However, from the published documents it follows that the FBI not only continued the search for Hitler, but also received very specific information. All these materials, reports, ciphers, correspondence with FBI agents can be found in the first volume we published.
These documents supplement the previously published materials of the Merkulov Folder, which also contain information and materials about the search for Adolf Hitler. In the "Merkulov´s Folder" you can find data from the Soviet intelligence services, which, in parallel with the FBI, conducted their own search for a war criminal.
Documents containing testimony about Adolf Hitler´s escape to Argentina. According to them, the man, who was not named, said he helped six high-ranking Argentine officials hide Hitler. At the same time, the documents say that the information received from him “cannot be verified.” The man reported that, along with three other people, he met Hitler and his entourage when they arrived in Argentina in two submarines "about two and a half weeks after the fall of Berlin." Two women, a doctor and several men arrived with him. According to the plan of Argentine officials, they drove to the foot of the South Andes, where Hitler was given the ranch on which he was hiding. According to the man, Hitler suffered from asthma and ulcers. By the time he arrived in Argentina, he had shaved off his mustache.
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