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Featured Blog by Pathologist Padolski, January 2021 2 h
Content: Лучшее-в-блогах-Патологоанатом-Padolski-за-январь-2021-2-часть.fb2 9733,27 kB
Product description
Over the years that I have been blogging, their name "Pathologist Padolski" has become a brand that is easily identifiable in search engines.
A lot of material has accumulated. There is no time to systematize it yet. I decided to provide you with a trial lump of materials in a calendar order.
Already the second e-book is the second part of the most interesting materials in my opinion for January. As a bonus - a new large selection of jokes from my collection.
There is no goal to make money. Therefore, I think the price for this e-book is affordable. I regard your money as sponsorship. Like what you like what I do.
The amount received will be spent on improving the quality of the material, going to cultural events, trips, which will then serve as a basis for my subsequent materials.
In this part - my observations, impressions of life, secrets of some medical institutions, current medical news and research.
Thank you for purchasing. Hope I don’t disappoint you. Pathologist "Padolski"
1. Why COVID-19 pneumonia lasts longer and is more harmful than common pneumonia
2. Love your man? Offer him an extra cup of coffee!
3. Poor gut health linked to severe COVID-19, new review shows
4. Having beliefs and having interests are two different things.
5.June 5, 2019, Ukraine, Odessa, Privoz and its surroundings (photo report)
6. Traditional New Year´s magnificent gifts to Gomel residents from "Gomel City Orchestras"
7. I´ll be more careful in grocery stores from today
8. Something interesting about the Gomel Regional Clinical Hospital
9. Changes in the brain in people with HIV throughout life
10. Free dances of St. Petersburg ladies and detention of Belarusian women who practice "Scandinavian walking"
11. Nice gifts from my and my wife´s previous place of work - I remember them!
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