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Featured Blog by Pathologist Padolski January 2021 3
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Uploaded: 15.06.2021
Content: Лучшее в блогах Патологоанатом Padolski за январь 2021 3 часть.fb2 9117,57 kB
Product description
Already the third e-book is a selection of the most interesting materials in my opinion for January. As a bonus - another large selection of jokes from my collection.
There is no goal to make money. Therefore, I think the price for this e-book is affordable. I regard your money as sponsorship. Like what you like what I do.
The amount received will be spent on improving the quality of the material, going to cultural events, trips, which will then serve as a basis for my subsequent materials.
In this part - my observations, impressions of life, the secrets of some medical institutions, current medical news and research.
Thank you for purchasing. Hope I don’t disappoint you. Pathologist "Padolski"
1. Usually, moralists are people fed up with temptations.
2. About how dialysis patients live in the Gomel region and how many kidneys are transplanted in Gomel
3. Why are menthol cigarettes banned all over the world?
4. Pfizer´s vaccine may not be the best option for debilitated patients
5. Accidentally opened magazines on the table, housework and frequent sex
6. Winnie the Pooh in the USA and a suicide warning monument in the form of an adult Christopher Robin
7. Happy Pathologist Day !!!
8. It seems that our girls will not give rest to the peasant even in retirement ...
9. About how the child was born twice and this is not a beautiful sound combination, but a fact
10. People that the Gomel regional pathoanatomical bureau is proud of (this time not about me)))
11. Something interesting about the circumstances of the appearance of Frank Sinatra into the world
12. Photo of the mother of the sentenced to death, talking with her son 15 minutes before her execution
13. An example of a creative, non-standard approach to promoting yourself
14. A kind person and a dog crippled by life, who gives joy to everyone
15. Scientists have discovered a link between nicotine and breast cancer metastases
16. Harsh Soviet performances almost a century ago (photo)
17. Two sides of the same medal or reflections on the poster of the Kukryniksy from 1941 with verses by Marshak
18. I rediscover Kuklachev for myself
19. Personalizing cancer treatments with improved tumor models
20. Civilized attitude towards vagrants in Germany (photo)
21. African cinema, great and terrible, turns out to be the second in the world
22. "Taking of the Reichstag" or the case when ideological clichés are harmful
23. Clarinet, love to which I will never cool down, Dixieland and a story of a disease with a good ending
24. Potentially each of us is a millionaire or something about painting
25. Secret patron and benefactor of PI Tchaikovsky
26. Young, kind of talented, he was ...
27. Women who have had cancer in childhood are less likely to terminate a pregnancy if indicated
28. Can our ministries of health compete with their Icelandic counterparts in creativity?
29. About fish orgasms and women´s lists where we are the best
30. You will be surprised to learn what you did in the Gomel Regional Clinical Cardiac Dispensary in 2020
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