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Features is biological tests. the level of organization
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Product description
13. Features of the biological level of organization of nature
13.1. Life on earth originated in:
A) Proterozoic; B) the Mesozoic;
B) Archean; D) Cenozoic.
13.2. Position the levels of organization of living matter as their complexity:
A) biogeocenotic;
B) otnogenetichesky;
B) Molecular Genetics;
D) population-specific.
13.3. Which of the evolutionary facts affect heritable changes:
A) mutation process;
B) population waves;
B) insulation,
D) natural selection.
13.4. The unit of genetic information of a living organism - it is:
A) allele; B) gene;
B) chromosome; D) the ribosome.
13.5. The twenty-third pair of chromosomes that determines sex in men - is
A) XX; B) XY; B) YY; D) XZ.
13.6. Asexual reproduction is not:
A) the formation of gametes;
B) budding; B) fragmentation;
D) cloning.
13.7. One of the theories of the origin of life on Earth is the fact that life is brought to our planet from outside, is called:
A) biochemical evolution;
B) panspermia;
B) kreatsinizmom;
D) spontaneous generation;
13.8. Unit structure and functioning of a living organism - it is:
A) atom; B) fabric; B) cell;
D) molecule.
13.9. For living organisms unusual:
A) the ability to exchange with the environment; B) metabolism;
B) division and budding;
D) a closed system.
13.10. "Power" stations of the cell are:
A) mitochondria; B) of the ribosome;
B) lysosomes; D) core.
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