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Final exam - Business organizations. RFEI
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1. The problems of coordination and quality control can result in the structure of the organization with the name:
a) machine bureaucracy;
b) a professional bureaucracy;
c) The divisional structure;
d) adhocracy.
2. enterprises to carry out economic activities, it must necessarily have in place:
a) funds aimed at the increase of the capital stock;
b) cash advances in current operating funds and treatment;
c) funds aimed at the development of production cycles;
d) all of the above types of funds.
10. monopolistic pricing matches the following statement:
a) prices tend to be "hard" or inflexible;
b) in the case of price changes by one manufacturer it is likely that other manufacturers will also change the price;
c) the price behavior suggests the presence of incentives and coordinated action in the appointment or change in prices;
d) if the company sells its products in different regions, it sets prices on a geographical basis.
11. Costs that are not directly related to production, are not included in the cost of production and are financed from special funds formed mainly from distributable profits, they are called:
a) the cost of the expansion and renewal of production;
b) the cost of socio-cultural, housing and other similar needs of the enterprise;
c) the cost of production and sales;
d) the cost of new and upgraded products.
20. Auxiliary workers are much more interested in how to better serve the jobs and the machine when:
a) direct individual wage system;
b) indirectly, piecework pay system;
c) piece-piece rate wage system;
d) the piece-bonus wage system.
21. The main sources for a plan of production and sales of products does not include:
a) The portfolio of orders and concluded on this basis, contracts for the supply;
b) the wholesale prices and the cost of production;
c) measures to improve production efficiency;
g) the terms of development of new sales markets.
30. There is no such kind of assets, such as:
a) capital;
b) current assets;
c) investments;
d) long-term assets.
31. In a limited partnership received total gross profit is directed primarily at:
a) payment of income tax;
b) the payment of dividends;
c) the payment of wages;
d) the development of production.
39. The mandatory contributions to extra-budgetary funds do not include contributions to:
a) the Social Insurance Fund;
b) Pension Fund;
c) Health Insurance Fund;
d) the State employment service.
40. The bulk of the work at the enterprise is carried out in units at the following organizational structure:
a) machine bureaucracy;
b) a professional bureaucracy;
c) The divisional structure;
d) adhocracy.
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