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Final exam RFEI Informatics 60 questions.
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Final exam RFEI "Computer." Answers to 60 questions in a table.
A separate file containing all the questions. Here are the first four questions:
1. There are three types of information processes. What once:
a) storing information;
b) searching for information;
c) the transmission of information;
g) processing the information.
2. Cybernetics - is the same as that computer?
a) yes;
b) Cybernetics - narrow branch of computer science;
c) Informatics - the central concept of cybernetics;
d) Cybernetics and Informatics not linked.
3. What is a Greek term meaning "cybernetics"?
a) the art of control;
b) information;
c) informatics;
g) space.
4. Why would the company need information systems?
a) In order to keep up with the times;
b) to speed up the process of information transmission;
c) to ensure that employees feel confident;
d) for control.
.... Etc.
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