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Final exam RFEI Logistics 50 questions
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Final exam RFEI "Logistics" .This answers to 50 questions in a table.
A separate file containing all the questions. Here are the first three questions:
1. Water transport used for international transportation more often:
a) because of the large volumes of traffic;
b) because of the low costs of transportation of a unit of production;
c) because of the possibility of carrying both cargo and passengers;
g) due to the high speed traffic.
2. The concept of "just in time" system and draw on the so-called principle of Deming, which means that:
a) follow-up process must always do what is required prior;
b) the previous process must always do what needs follow;
c) during the production of the unit to the supplier-consumer division delivered what you need, at the right time and in the right quantities;
d) from the unit to the supplier-consumer division delivered everything you need in strict accordance with the schedule of the production process.
3. Warehouse consists of the following elements:
1) shipping zone where orders are completed for consumers and where they go;
2) receiving area where the goods come from the supplier and where they are checked and sorted;
3) information system that takes into account the location of all the party goods received from suppliers, shipments to customers and other necessary information;
4) cargo handling system for moving goods within the warehouse.
Complete list of the other main element of the warehouse, selecting it among the options below:
a) the system of cash payments;
b) intermediate zone, which stores found defective goods;
c) the storage area in which the goods are contained or stored;
d) a special area where you store dangerous goods.
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