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Finance test answers
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Test tasks on discipline "Finance", the number of questions - 85, and the number of questions 65
Task 1
Question 1. Finance - is:
1. economic category;
2. The economic phenomenon;
3. subjective instrument of the market economy;
4. cash.
Question 2. Finance as a phenomenon are:
1. cash;
2. The unity of subject and object;
3. The unity of at least two subjects, objects, and relationships;
4. The unity of at least two subjects, objects, relationships, and the state.
Question 3. As an economic category express their finances:
1. The ratio of planned formation and use of funds of money resources of economic entities;
2. relations concerning the formation and use of funds of funds;
3. attitude about the treatment of cash resources;
4. relations with regard to the operation of the loan capital.
Question 4. Finance valorem as a subjective tool are:
1. The funds of economic entities;
2. The income and expenditure plan for economic actors;
3. Be aware of the mechanism of formation and use of funds;
4. The decision-making mechanism about the formation and ispol¬zovaniya of funds.
Question 5. The main purpose of finance is:
1. to ensure the reproduction of material goods;
2. in the redistribution of funds between entities;
3. in the redistribution of resources from the haves to the non-productive fizi¬cheskim subjects;
4. to provide turnover.
Task 2
Question 1. The financial system of society - is:
1. The set of fields that express the relationship of the subjects povo¬du change money object;
2. The collection of funds of all subjects;
3. The specific form of implementation of the state budget;
4. The total budget of the country.
Question 2. What is the sign of classification of finance is not a major?
1. subjective;
2. object;
3. formal;
4. social.
Question 3. What is not a function of the financial system?
1. the distribution of financial resources between the actors of society;
2. The control of the movement and use of financial resources sub¬ektov society;
3. redistribution of financial resources between the actors of society;
4. loss prevention actors in society.
Question 4. Subjective financial system does not include:
1. Finance citizens;
2. formal finance;
3. international finance;
4. finance organizations.
Question 5. What are the most significant in terms of numbers the field of finance:
1. the public finances;
2. The international finance;
3. Finance citizens;
4. finance organizations.
Activity 3
Question 1: What is "politics"?
1. a special activity of the people to protect the interests of society;
2. The concept of relationships to protect and promote the interests of certain entities as opposed to the interests of other actors in society;
3. The specific activities of public authorities;
4. Special activities carried out to improve the welfare of the people.
Question 2. What is not the cause of the existence of the policy?
1. The variety of forms of ownership;
2. The diversity of the needs of economic agents;
3. limited life values;
4. The division of society into a variety of economic actors.
Question 3. Align with the expansion politi¬ki following: financial (1) revenue (2), the financial policy reguli¬rovaniya (3), socio-economic (4).
1. 1, 2, 3, 4;
2 3, 2, 1, 4;
3. 2, 3, 4, 1; 1
4. 4, 3, 1, 3.
Question 4. Which of the following policies do not apply to the main areas?
1. The individual;
Additional information
Question 5. The informal policy - is:
1. The policy carried out by citizens;
2. tacit policy;
3. Prohibition of policy;
4. The policy pursued by legal entities.
Task 4
Question 1. Financial Management - is:
1. The set of all bodies and organizations engaged in financial management;
2. The collection of objects and subjects of financial management;
3. science-based system of financial relations, value flows and funds of the organization;
4. The system of interaction of financial relations, streams and fon¬dov funds.
Question 2. The objects of financial management are not:
1. The monetary funds;
2. The cash flows;
3. Category and financial leverage;
4. budgetary relations.
Question 3. For reasons of financial management does not apply:
1. The subject of the desire to lead;
2. The presence of an economic entity (organization);
3. The effect of commodity-money relations;
4. The variety of forms of ownership.
Question 4: Strategic Financial Management carried out by:
1. The first person (the owner) organization;
2. The second person (artists);
3. The control structures;
4. All members of the organization.
Question 5. Tactics of financial management are engaged in:
1. The control structures;
2. The second person (artists);
3. The first person (the owner) organization;
4. All members of the organization.
Task 5
Question 1. Prediction of Finance is:
1. subjective human activity to create forecasts;
2. mechanism foreseeing state finances specific economic entity in the future for a particular perspective;
3. scientifically based system of financial management otnoshe¬niyami, value flows and funds of the organization;
4. The process of development and adoption of targets financial activities of economic entities.
Question 2. The Forecast does not apply:
1. extrapolation;
2. modeling;
3. The target-oriented;
4. The method of expert evaluations.
Question 3. Planning - is:
1. The set of all bodies and organizations carrying out uprav¬lenie finances;
2. The collection of objects and subjects of financial management;
3. science-based system of financial otnoshe¬niyami, value flows and funds of the organization;
4. subjective process of development and adoption of targets financial activities of economic entities.
Question 4. The objects of financial planning does not include:
1. The monetary funds;
2. The cash flows;
3. economic categories;
4. budgetary relations.
Question 5 is not engaged in financial planning:
1. Citizen;
2. Designer;
3. The Minister of Finance;
4. entrepreneur.
Task 6
Question 1. Give the correct definition of financial control:
1. One of the stages of financial management;
2. The set of measures of subjective human activity monitoring, comparison, verification and analysis of cash resources;
3. The set of actions for the audit of business entities;
4. The form of implementation of the control functions of finance.
Question 2. What does not belong to the main reasons for the need to control social and economic processes?
1. The lack of 100% probability of a certain development pro¬tsessov;
2. The importance of prevention of crisis situations;
3. the desire of success of a specific activity;
4. The identification of financial irregularities.
Question 3. For public financial irregularities does not apply:
1. The misuse of financial resources;
2. The loss-making activities of organizations;
3. secret borrowing of some subjects in other;
4. corruption.
Question 4. What does not belong to the main tasks of financial control?
1. Check the costs of all parts of the financial system;
2. compliance with the rules of accounting and reporting;
3. To prevent theft and identification of reserves effective use of funds;
4. verification rules
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