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Finance. Tests. Answers.
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Task 1
Question 1. Finance - is:
a) economic category;
b) an economic phenomenon;
c) a subjective instrument of the market economy;
d) funds.
Question 2. Finance as a phenomenon are:
a) cash;
b) the unity of subject and object;
b) the unity of at least two subjects, objects and relationships;
d) the unity of at least two subjects, objects, relationships, and the state.
Question 3. As an economic category express their finances:
a) systematic relationship formation and use of funds of money resources of economic entities;
b) attitude regarding the formation and use of funds of funds;
c) attitude regarding the treatment of cash resources;
d) relationship on the functioning of loan capital.
Question 4. Finance valorem as a subjective tool are:
a) the funds of economic entities;
b) income and expense plan of economic entities;
c) informed the mechanism of formation and use of funds;
d) decision-making mechanism about the formation and ispol¬zovaniya of funds.
Question 5. The main purpose of finance is:
a) to ensure the reproduction of material goods;
b) transfers between legal entities;
c) in the redistribution of resources from the haves to the non-productive fizi¬cheskim subjects;
d) to provide trade.
Task 2
Question 1. The financial system of society - is:
a) a set of fields, expressing the relationship of the subjects povo¬du change money object;
b) the collection of funds of all subjects;
c) a particular form of realization of the state budget;
d) The total budget of the country.
Question 2. What is the sign of classification of finance is not a major?
a) subjective;
b) object;
c) formal;
d) social.
Question 3. What is not a function of the financial system?
a) the distribution of financial resources between the actors of society;
b) control the movement and use of financial resources sub¬ektov society;
c) the reallocation of financial resources m
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