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Text reference work on the subject "Financial Management" of the 2 RIU TANTAL
Task 1.
Question 1. The common set of financial relationships are three major interrelated areas: finance business entities, insurance, public finance. Which of the areas is a key element?
1. Insurance,
2. finance businesses.
3. public finances.
4. Insurance and Finance of business entities,
5. insurance and public finance.
Question 2. Insert the missing words in the text: "In contrast to the accounting history spanning ..., financial management as an independent science was formed relatively recently"
1. two decades;
2. hundred years;
3. more than one century,
4 years;
5. The two years.
Question 3. Which of the following statements is not true?
1. In pre-revolutionary Russia the concept of financial management as an independent science did not exist.
2. In pre-revolutionary Russia was not also financial calculations and analysis of balance.
3. in countries with market-oriented, to the extent of becoming the capital market commercial arithmetic became part of an independent direction in science and practice, known as Financial Management.
4. Analysis of balances developed worldwide within balansovedeniya.
5. The substantive aspect of commercial arithmetic has not lost relevance in the present time.
Question 4. Which of the following statements is true?
1. by reason of historic choice in the direction of the construction of a centrally planned socialist economy in Russia, commercial arithmetic, particularly at the enterprise level, has been widely developed.
2. As far as the construction of a planned socialist economy in Russia balance sheet analysis and financial calculations relatively quickly renamed in financial management.
3. as the construction of a planned socialist economy in Russia, analysis of economic activity is increasingly becoming a close accounting.
4. The financial management in the sense in which it is understood in the developed countries, to develop in a socialist economy in Russia.
5. carried out with the 1990s as part of the transfer to a market economy changes made urgent financial management of a business entity as a major priority and resource views.
Question 5. What (what) of the following questions is the key to start any kind of business? (Select the most complete answer)
1. What should be the size and the optimal composition of assets of the company?
2. where to find sources of financing and what should be their optimal volume?
3. how to organize the current and future financial management?
4. What should be the size and the optimal composition of assets of the company? Where to find sources of financing and what should be their optimal volume?
5. What should be the size and the optimal composition of assets of the company? Where to find sources of financing and what should be their optimal volume? how to organize the current and future financial management?
Task 2.
Question 1. The financial assets of the company include:
1. cash;
2. The contractual right to receive from another company cash or any other type of asset;
3. The law of contracts the exchange of financial instruments with another entity under conditions that are potentially favorable;
4. equity securities of another company;
5. cash; a contractual right to receive from another company cash or any other type of asset; a contractual right to exchange financial instruments with another entity under conditions that are potentially favorable; equity securities of another company.
Question 2. The main methods of financial management apply:
1. forecasting, planning, taxation, insurance, lending, the quotation of exchange rates;
2. Loans, loans, interest rates, dividends quotation of exchange rates, transfer pl
Additional information
Task 20.
Question 1. Which statement is not correct?
1. The establishment and operation of any commercial organization in general terms is the process of investing financial resources in the long term with a view to profit;
2. The current activity involves a risk: industrial and financial;
3. If the current risk profile of the company is made in terms of assets, which owns and manages the company, we speak of production and financial risks;
4. If the current risk profile of the company is made in terms of sources of funds (liabilities), then talk about financial risks;
5. The production risk is largely due to the peculiarities of the business industry.
Question 2. Insert the missing words in the text: "Quantitative risk assessment of the company and the factors that have caused it, is based on ..."
1. The analysis of variability of profit;
2. The analysis of credit risk;
3. The commercial payments;
4. The risk analysis for loss of profits;
5. analysis of tax risk.
Question 3. The relationship between fixed and variable costs in their total amount and variability of earnings before interest and taxes determines:
1. The financial leverage;
2. production and financial leverage;
3. Production leverage;
4. trade leverage;
5. profitable leverage.
Question 4. The level of financial leverage is measured (give the most complete answer):
1. The ratio of debt and equity;
2. The rate of change of the ratio of net income to changes in the pace of earnings before interest and taxes;
3. The ratio of debt to capital ratio and the rate of change of net income to changes in the pace of earnings before interest and taxes;
4. The ratio of debt to capital ratio and the rate of change of net income to changes in the pace of earnings before interest and taxes; the ratio of fixed and variable costs in their total amount;
5. The ratio of debt to capital ratio and the rate of change of net income to changes in the pace of earnings before interest and taxes; the ratio of fixed and variable costs in their total amount; variability of earnings before interest and taxes.
Question 5. Insert the missing words in the text: "The value that characterizes the amount of money that must be paid for bringing the unit capital from this source is called ..."
1. manufacturing leverage;
2. The financial leverage;
3. The production and financial leverage;
4. The cost of capital;
5. The cost of capital.
Task 21.
Question 1. The main elements of debt capital are (give the most complete answer):
1. loans from banks;
2. bonds issued by the company;
3. loans received by the company from economic entities;
4. loans received by the company from businesses and loans from banks;
5. loans received by the company from economic entities, loans from banks and bonds issued by the company.
Question 2: Which of the following statements is not true?
1. According to the regulations for the use of the interest of the bank loans are included in the cost of production;
2. Under the terms of the composition of interest expenses paid for the use of loans from the business entities can not be attributed to the cost of production;
3. Bonds In Russia this is the case as well as with loans from banks: These include interest on the cost of production;
4. The main sources of own funds of the company are: preferred and common shares, retained earnings;
5. The fundamental differences in the assessment of the price of capital sources "common shares" and "preferred shares" no.
Question 3. Insert the missing words in the text: "The size of dividends on ... not pre-determined and depends on the performance of the company"
1. The preferred shares;
2. bonds;
3. The ordinary shares;
4. bank loans;
5. Credit
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