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Forms of marriage and the status of women (2016)
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Product description
Forms of marriage and the position of women in the family
Introduction 3
1. General characteristics of marital relations 4
2. Forms of marriage 7
3. The position of women in the family 11
Conclusion 18
References 20
List of used sources
1. Voinilova I.G. The history of the establishment and development of the institution of cohabitation (concubinatus) in Roman law [Electronic resource]: URL: https://www.sovremennoepravo.ru/m/articles/view/ (appeal date: 16.11.2016).
2. Digest of Justinian [Electronic resource]: URL: http://www.academia.edu/16291670/ (appeal date: 15.11.2016).
3. Efimov V.V. Essays on the history of Roman kinship and inheritance. - M .: Yurist, 2003. - 318 p.
4. Institutions of Guy [Electronic resource]: URL: http://diplom.hav.by/institutsii-gaya-tekst/ (appeal date: 15.11.2016).
5. Lapustin B.S. Women in the craft workshops of Pompeii // Life and history in antiquity. - M .: Science, 1988. - p. 65-71.
6. Oskina I.Yu., Lupu A.A. History of state and law of foreign countries: Textbook: lecture notes. - M .: Prospect, 2011. - 680 p.
7. Pokrovsky IA. The history of Roman law. - SPb .: Summer Garden Publishing and Trading House, 1999. - 592 p.
8. Shoshiashvili L.N. The Institute of Marriage in Roman and Ancient Georgian Law: author. dis. ... Cand. legal sciences. - Tbilisi, 2002. - 25 p.
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