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Free fligft in the field of gravity
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Uploaded: 21.03.2004
Content: free_flight.zip 69,01 kB
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Product description
The movement of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon. The file describes the motion of a body launched near the Earth´s surface with a certain initial velocity. This is one of the most famous problems of the school physics course related to the kinematics of curvilinear motion. This e-book describes the theory and provides all the necessary formulas that are used in solving problems about the free flight of bodies in the field of gravity. The file is designed as a document of the MS Excel program and is ready for printing. The Excel document contains built-in calculation formulas that allow you to calculate the range, time, altitude, speed of the body at any time, the equation of the trajectory of movement, etc. The file contains graphs of changes in the coordinates, speed, and acceleration components of the body. Just change the initial conditions (speed, height, or launch angle) and Excel will automatically recalculate all the results. This document can be useful for students, students of secondary schools engaged in self-education, teachers and university teachers for conducting classes (or laboratory work) in Physics in a computer class.
Additional information
The file was prepared on the resource:
Web Tutor in Mathematics and Physics.
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