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FROM instruments for dental organizations
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Uploaded: 01.07.2020
Content: Док по ОТ стомат 1111.rar 1859,99 kB
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Product description
- The form of the act about the accident H1;
- System Safety Standard. Organization of training .;
- The form of the journal induction;
- The form of the magazine issuing instructions;
- The form of the journal coaching in the workplace;
- The form of the journal instruction on fire safety;
- A form of appropriation of the journal 1 c electrical safety;
- The form of a log-book of instructions;
- The form of the register of accidents;
- Instructions for first aid;
- Instructions from the doctor dentist;
- The form of the act about the accident H1;
- System Safety Standard. Organization of training .;
- The form of the journal induction;
- The form of the magazine issuing instructions;
- The form of the journal coaching in the workplace;
- The form of the journal instruction on fire safety;
- A form of appropriation of the journal 1 c electrical safety;
- The form of a log-book of instructions;
- The form of the register of accidents;
- Instructions for first aid;
- Instructions from the doctor dentist;
- User FROM cloakroom;
- User FROM grinding machine (dental technician);
- Instructions from dental technician;
- Instructions from the container irradiator;
- Instructions from the chair dental;
- Instructions from a nurse;
- Instructions for non-electrical personnel FROM 1 g;
- Instructions from the staff office x-ray;
- Instructions from the staff Dental. office;
- FROM instruction while working with a PC;
User FROM orderly moyschitsa;
- FROM instruction for toxic substances (dental technician);
- Instruction for the sanitary health;
- Instructions for TB dentist;
- Instructions for TB Nurses Dental cab;
- Instruction on fire safety;
- Instructions for work on Dental turbine installation;
- Instructions for installation work at the Dental;
- Order of the Ministry of Health on the organization of work in the bodies of the Ministry of Health FROM Annexes;
- Order on the introduction of rules in labor regulations. with the Rules;
- Order on the conduct of the Instruction;
- The order to fire safety. with the Regulation;
- Order appointing responsible for the OT;
- Order of the training and testing software from. Appendices;
- Order on awarding a group neelektr. personnel. with the Program;
- Order of examination on OT. with the Program;
- The order to be held. training and coaching. with the Regulation;
- Order the extension of instructions for OT;
- The order to ensure. a safe environment for the OT;
- Order of Service for the establishment of PAs. Appendices;
- Order of the training and education rabotnika.s Annex;
- The order to provide PPE. Appendices;
- Order on the organization of security. Operating e / installations. Appendices;
- Order on honey. inspections. the Regulations and the Appendices;
- Induction training program;
- Mentoring programs for the dentist;
- Mentoring programs for dental technician;
- Mentoring programs for nurses dentist;
- Mentoring programs for the administrator of dentistry;
- Mentoring programs in the workplace, with Annexes;
- The sample is washed off the list of issuing agents (for dentistry);
- A list of the issuance of special clothing (Ministry of Health - Annex 11);
Right after payment to you the reference for downloading is given and the letter with the link for downloading of the file comes to your e-mail (which you specified at payment).
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