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Fuel supply switch МЧ00.02.00.00
Content: 02.rar 3937,45 kB
Product description
Fuel supply switch MCh00.02.00.00 3d model
Fuel switch МЧ00.02.00.00 3d SOLIDWORKS
The switch is used to check the fuel supply to the diesel cylinders. This tool is installed between the fuel pump section and the injector.
To turn on the fuel supply, turn the handwheel pos. 13. The needle pos.4, acting on the valve pos.5, compresses the spring pos.12, while the fuel passes through the holes of the parts pos.6,3,2 and through the lower threaded hole of the housing pos.1 goes out and is collected in a measuring cup (not shown in the drawing). The consumption of fuel supplied alternately to the diesel cylinders is measured using special devices.
3D model (shown in screenshots) made by SOLIDWORKS 2016.
It is also possible to open and view 3D models made in SOLIDWORKS in the SolidWorks eDrawings Viewer.
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