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Materials Science - Test Work No. 1 Option 6
1. Draw a state diagram for the case of limited solubility of components in
Solid form. Specify the structural components in all areas of this diagram and describe
The structure of typical alloys of various compositions occurring in this system.
2. Copper wire drawing is carried out in several transitions. In some cases
The wire on the last passages is broken. Explain the reason for the gap and indicate the method
His warning.
3. Draw a diagram of the iron-iron carbide state, indicate the structural
Components in all areas of the diagram, describe the transformations and construct a curve
Cooling (using the phase rule) for an alloy containing 0.5% C. What is the structure of this
Alloy at room temperature and how such an alloy is called?
4. Draw a diagram of the isothermal transformation of austenite for steel V8. Apply
On it is a curve of the isothermal treatment regime, which provides a hardness of 200 HB.
Specify how this mode is called and what structure is obtained in this case.
5. Using the iron-cementite state diagram, set the temperature
Normalization, annealing and hardening for steel U12. Describe these modes of thermal
And describe the structure and properties of the steel after each treatment
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