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Garbuzova KR1 Option 33
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Option 33
1. How do modifiers affect the crystallization process? Give examples
Practical use of the modification process.
2. How is the temperature of the recrystallization threshold determined? How does the composition of the alloy and
The degree of plastic deformation at this temperature?
3. Draw a diagram of the iron-iron carbide state, indicate the structural
Components in all areas of the diagram, describe the transformations and construct a curve
Cooling (using a phase rule) for an alloy containing 2.8% C. What is the structure of this
Alloy at room temperature and how such an alloy is called?
4. What is hardening? Using the iron-cementite status diagram, indicate
Temperature of heating for quenching of steel 40 and U10. Describe the transformations occurring in steels
With the selected processing mode, the resulting structure and properties.
5. Why is the steel used with the original structure used to make the tool
Granular perlite? As a result of what heat treatment can this structure be obtained?
Give a concrete example.
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