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1. Assign a quenching temperature, a cooling medium and a tempering temperature of the hairpins from
Steel Mt6, which must have a hardness of 207-230 HB. Describe their microstructure and
2. Steel P18K5F2 was chosen for the manufacture of piercing punches. Specify the composition
Steel and determine the steel group for the purpose. Assign and justify the thermal mode
Processing, explaining the effect of doping on the transformations occurring at all stages
Heat treatment of this steel. Describe the microstructure and properties of the punches after
Heat treatment.
3. Constantan MNMc40-1.5 alloy was chosen for rheostatic devices. Decipher the composition,
Indicate to which group this alloy belongs, as intended, describe the structure and electrical
Characteristics of this alloy.
4. As a material for casting liners of bearings of sliding the alloy
B88. Specify the composition and determine the alloy group for the intended purpose. Draw a microstructure and
Indicate the basic requirements for alloys of this group.
5. Describe the current understanding of the molecular structure of polymers. Please specify
Structure of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.
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