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Geography quiz
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12. Geography
12.1. Place the average content of chemical elements of the Earth Descending:
A) silicon; B) iron;
B) oxygen; D) magnesium.
12.2. Place the average content of chemical elements of the Earth´s crust in ascending order:
A) silicon; B) iron;
B) oxygen; D) aluminum.
12.3. Place the shell of the atmosphere in order of distance from the Earth´s surface:
A) mesosphere;
B) thermosphere (ionosphere);
B) the troposphere; D) the stratosphere.
12.4. Place natural areas (ecosystems) as the distance from the equator:
A) steppe;
B) rainforests;
B) Tundra; D) taiga.
12.5. Parting the main milestones of the evolution of the biosphere, in chronological order (from the ancient to the modern)
A) replacing the reducing (oxygen-free) environment oxidative geochemical background;
B) the gradual transformation of geological and geochemical cycles of substances in biological and biochemical;
B) the rapid (in geological time scale) development of the life of the space;
D) conversion of the Archean atmosphere, and the stabilization of its gas composition.
12.6. The area of \u200b\u200bactive life, covering the lower part of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and the upper part is called:
A) the noosphere; B) the troposphere;
B) the biosphere; D) ecosphere.
12.7. Place the geological periods from antiquity to modern times:
A) Jurassic; B) the Devonian;
B) Neogene;
D) anthropogenic.
12.8. Enter the geographical implications of the daily rotation of the Earth:
A) day and night;
B) deformation of the earth´s figure;
C) the existence of the Coriolis force;
D) superposition of centrifugal force and gravity.
12.9. What performance is characterized by the magnetic field of the Earth?
A) magnetic declination;
B) magnetic inclination;
B) magnetic intensity;
D) the correct answer.
12.10. The structure of the cryosphere does not include:
A) cryolithosphere;
B) kriogidrosfera;
B) hionosfera; D) okeanosfera.
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