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Task 1.
Question 1. What is geopolitics?
Question 2: Is it true that geopolitics does not become a real tool for changing the world and is the key to forecasting the policy of the leading countries?
Question 3. Which of the following is NOT a scientific approach, on the basis of which could not be geopolitics?
Question 4. Who is considered the founder of civilized approach to the historical process?
Question 5. What is the subject of geopolitics as a science?
Task 2.
Question 1. What is the geopolitical era has changed the world, which has become multipolar from bipolar?
Question 2. What is the method used by geopolitics, focused on the study of the dependence of behavior of individuals or groups of their inclusion in a global community?
Question 3. What is the function of geopolitics associated with the study of trends in the geopolitical development of the countries and peoples, the study of various phenomena, processes and events?
Question 4. Is it true that as a result the existing unipolar world after the destruction of the collective security system in Eastern Europe the ideological side of the geopolitical
function of effort?
Question 5: Who is considered the "father" of geopolitics, in the views which can be seen the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution and Darwinism?
Task 3.
Question 1. Who of the scientists - geopolitics belongs basic thesis: the state - a living organism?
Question 2. What is the essence of the concept of "possibilism" the founder of the French geopolitical school Vidal de la Blanche?
Question 3. What is the thesis in the geopolitics of the West took the lead from the beginning of the Potsdam era?
Question 4: When was the beginning of the creation of the Franco-West German alliance, the core of a united Europe in the late XX., Which surpassed the main indicators of the US?
Question 5: What is the essence of the geopolitical concept mondialism?
Task 4.
Question 1: What was the main theme of the Eurasian movement as one of the most powerful in the Russian geopolitical school?
Question 2.Imya a Russian scientist associated with the beginning of the Eurasian movement, which all researchers rank as the most prominent of geopolitics?
Question 3. What is the name given in PN Savitsky's unique geographical environment?
Question 4: What are the geopolitical consequences of the collapse of the USSR to Russia?
Question 5: Is it true that the current geopolitical situation in post-Soviet Russia puts in the position of a regional power with limited international opportunities?
Task 5.
Question 1. How did the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Question 2. As a major geopolitical objectives pursued penetration of Western countries in the Caucasus?
Question 3. What is the most important factor determines the strategic relations between Russia and the United States?
Question 4. Is it true that in relations between Russia and the United States in the North Atlantic Region (SAR) is still a model of nuclear deterrence?
Question 5: Supporters of geopolitics are some political leaders of Great Britain?
Task 6.
Question 1. What might adequate actions from the Russian side fear Europe and the United States in the event of persistent expansion of NATO?
Question 2. What is the link in the geopolitical and geo-economic structure of Russia is the weakest link, which directly threatens its national security?
Question 3. What is largely due to the complexity of the current situation in Siberia and the Far East?
Question 4. Which factor interferes set equal union between Russia and Germany?
Question 5: Is it true that the geopolitical Italy is Russia's ally in Europe, is interested in creating a multipolar world?
Task 7.
Question 1: What are the consequences of the accession of the Baltic States to NATO?
Task 8.
Question 1. Is it true that China is dangerous for Russia as a geopoliti
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