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Georgy Egorov. In the land of the living.
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Uploaded: 23.02.2013
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Product description
The book is well-known Altai writer Georgi Egorov "On the ground, living" - is an inclusive ostrosotsialnye work. One of its main characters - the responsible party worker, a former member of the guerrilla movement in the Altai. The novel is dedicated to the fate of the generation, to build a new life and to defend it in the battle against fascism. The book was written in the 60s as a continuation of the novel "Solon you land!", But the light could be seen only in the perestroika years - too frank author served the theme of Stalinist repressions ...
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... Vasya Muzyukina believed in the village with a guy chudinkoy. He could wear a fur coat in Petrovka and walk the streets, and in the cold - to get a shirt. Could have lard, sprinkling it with sugar ... He said: "The man - servant of customs and habits. I despise all forms of slavery! "Two years ago when he was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization, he became just the second secretary of the district committee to harass Urzlina his inventions: the meeting will convene in the night somewhere in the woods with the agenda of" human fear and fight with him "; it sends to the regional committee report, written backwards. But now in spring, when it is not chosen in the Secretary-General for his "muddle and ne´er-do", he gathered the guys rolled up from the shore to the village council Tung huge boulder, and then two weeks of sticking around a boulder with a hammer and chisel - carved on it Model Rules selhozarteli adopted in February this year at the Second Congress of Collective Farmers in the Kremlin ... "Download: Georgy Egorov. In the land of the living.
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