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Georgy Egorov. The collapse of Rogov.
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Uploaded: 11.08.2011
Content: 10811110001767.rar 133,86 kB
Product description
The historical novel Altai writer G. Egorova devoted Gregory F. Rogov - the leader of the peasant rebel movement in the Altai during the Civil War, the person most outstanding and controversial. The book includes eight chapters and an epilogue, as well as unpublished chapter.
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... Pop hunted looked around, but voluntarily expose his neck did not. Several timhrolovskih cronies jumped to him on their knees. A Timhrol still twitching and he could not pull out of its scabbard rusty sword. All eyes were on him. He pouted, squatted under the strain, but to no avail. To help Timhrolu ran two guys. One grabbed the scabbard, the other - the hilt. Surrounding laughed. Men rushed. With a screech was removed from its sheath red stripe rust iron. There was a burst of laughter ... "Download: Georgy Egorov. The collapse of the horns.
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