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Uploaded: 16.05.2024
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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.10 $ for a positive review

Product description


By purchasing this product you receive:
Data from a Steam account with the game Ghost of Tsushima (STEAM) for offline play, the account is shared, and all saves will be stored on your PC, no one will disturb you during the game.
The most detailed instructions for activating the game;
Download the game directly from Steam;
After purchase you will immediately receive: Login and Password for your steam account with the game Ghost of Tsushima.

Instructions for activating the game:
1. Log in to your account using the received data;
2. Download the game from the Steam library;
3. Enter the game once online to the main menu, then exit;
4. Switch the Steam client to offline mode (In the upper left corner - Go to offline mode);
5. Play.

Additional information

✔ Check out the system requirements of the game.
✔ Account reactivation is paid.
✔ This product is intended strictly for offline play according to the instructions. 1 activation - 1 PC.
✔ Also, due to the large influx on 1 account, there may be problems with authorization, also be patient, this is temporary.
✔ It is not recommended to download updates, because... There may be problems logging into the game after this
✔ Reinstalling/updating Windows, changing game files, as well as logging out of your account lead to activation failure.


1  1
1 month 3 months 12 months
1 1 1
1 1 1
Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.10 $ for a positive review.
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