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Uploaded: 04.12.2019
Content: GKR5-Mikhaylov Dem.ZIP 1664,13 kB
Product description
Angora ... The mystical legendary city of the Dead, which is hidden in unknown lands ...
According to legend, the most bright souls worthy of death, worthy of an eternal afterlife find shelter in Angora.
Great magicians and warriors of the past, legendary alchemists, kings of antiquity, the worst villains - all of them are now found in the hidden city of Angora.
But is that true? Or did the once existing Angora long ago be destroyed and go into oblivion along with the souls inhabiting it?
Additional information
Fantastic novel genre LitRPG.
This purchase contains an archive file with five common book formats: FB2, TXT, DOC, Epub, Mobi.
Official name: GKN-12 - according to the general chronology of the cycle.
Editing: read by the author. DRAFT VERSION.
The complete book from start to finish.