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Golden Stream
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Uploaded: 06.12.2005
Content: golden_stream.zip 25,66 kB
Product description
This computer superprogram Golden Stream is based on the well-known and very popular worldwide program RMI. GS But unlike many such programs it has a number of great advantages.
Here are some of them:
1. The program operates autonomously. Her work no one is independent. There is not a master server, no registration center. It exists as well as there is Internet. Her work consists of millions of little pieces of work scattered throughout the Internet, and a failure of one of these pieces would not entail a failure of the program as a whole.
2. The progressive scale of assessments and allow an increased number of steps to make big profits with fewer participants. Suffice it to four first-tier customers, in order to make a profit equal to several tens of thousands of rubles! (With due diligence and perseverance)
3. An important advantage of the program that is not possible to break the chain, ie, your portion of the program will only work with a key formed in your branch, but not in another. If one of the members of your branch goes out of business, it does not break the structure and does not interfere with the rest of the participants to make a profit. It is also not possible to confuse the places of participants.
4. Unlike other programs sent over the Internet or a book report, which occupy hundreds of kilobytes or megabytes, this program is executed in its simplest form (there is nothing superfluous) and takes with individual key and instructions no more than 200 kilobytes of ...
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