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Gosy answers labor law, 30 questions.
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Gosy answers labor law, 30 questions.
1. The concept and the subject of labor law. Industry principles of labor law.
2. Sources of labor law: concept, types.
3. The grounds of, modification and termination of labor relations.
4. Core labor rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
5. Social partnership at work: concept, principles, hand value.
6. The collective agreement: concept, parties. The structure and content of the collective agreement.
7. The concept of employment. The circle of citizens, who are considered employed.
8. The concept of unemployed. The legal status of unemployed.
9. The notion and significance of the employment contract. It differs from a civil agreement on the implementation of the work.
10. The parties and the content of the employment contract. The general order of the employment contract. Guarantees for employment.
11. Test for employment, its legal consequences.
12. Workbooks, conduct, issue.
13. Concept and types of transfers to another job. Moving, unlike the transfer to another job.
14. Termination of employment contract by the employee.
15. Termination of employment contract by the employer: the concept and types, the base, the order of dismissal.
16. Protection of personal data of the employee.
17. Concept and types of work. Overtime. The concept, the grounds and procedure for bringing compensation.
18. Concept and types of leisure time. Breaks during the working day.
19. Annual paid holidays, their types, the order of.
20. The concept and function of wages. Methods of legal regulation of wages.
21. Forms and wage system.
22. The forms of material incentives of employees: bonuses, allowances and additional payments to wages.
23. The concept, the base and the types of disciplinary action.
24. The concept of a liability under labor law. It differs from a civil property liability.
25. Types of employee liability.
26. Liability of the employer to the employee.
27. The concept of labor protection. Organization of occupational safety and health in the workplace. State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation.
28. Features of labor regulation certain categories of workers.
29. The concept, classification, principles of labor disputes.
30. The main function of trade unions and their powers. Protecting workers´ rights by trade unions.
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