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Gosy civil litigation with the answers 30 questions
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Uploaded: 26.10.2014
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Product description
Gosy civil litigation with the answers 30 questions.
1. Subject and method of civil procedural law.
2. Sources of civil procedural law.
3. Principles of the Civil Procedural Law.
4. Civil procedural legal relationships and their subjects.
5. Civil Procedure personality.
6. Jurisdiction of civil cases.
7. Jurisdiction of civil cases.
8. The parties to the civil proceedings.
9. Third parties in the civil process.
10. Participation of the prosecutor in civil proceedings.
11. Participation in civil proceedings of public authorities, local governments, organizations and citizens to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of others.
12. Representation in court.
13. The rules of legal evidence. Concept and types of evidence.
14. Costs.
15. Time limits.
16. Claim: concept, elements and types.
17. Preparation of the case for trial.
18. The trial of civil cases.
19. The decision of the court of first instance.
20. The end of the trial, without judgment.
21. Writ production.
22. absentia.
23. The general rules of the cases arising from public relations.
24. The concept and essence of the special proceedings.
25. Appeals.
26. Proceedings in the court of cassation.
27. Proceedings in the court of supervisory instance.
28. Check on newly discovered evidence of judicial decisions which have entered into force.
29. Initiation of enforcement proceedings.
30. Suspension of enforcement proceedings.
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