GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT

According to the statement from the seller, this account is the property of the seller and was obtained/registered by legal means. The responsibility for the sale of the account rests solely with the seller. The responsibility for potentially breaking the user agreement with the publisher rests solely with the seller. The trading platform Plati does not permit publishing illegal content on the resource pages.

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Uploaded: 22.06.2016
Content: text 126 symbols

Product description

GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT GTA V, GTA SA + 53 (!!!) games | XBOX 360 | ACCOUNT

!!! General Account for the Xbox 360 !!!
!!! Before you buy, read the rules of use of general !!!
*** Please leave feedback after the purchase and receive a discount. THANK YOU! ***
Games on the profile:
+ Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
+ DmC Devil May Cry
+ Sleeping Dogs
+ Mortal Combat 9
+ Max Payne 3
+ Fable 3
+ Halo Reach
+ Gears of War 2/3 / Jugment
+ Dirt 3 / showdown
+ Resident Evil Revelations 2
+ Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
+ Sacred 3
+ The Walking Dead (All episodes)
+ Crysis 3
+ Metro 2033
+ Metro Last light
+ Thief
+ Just Cause 2
+ F1 2013
+ Mafia 2
+ Army of Two The devils Cartel
+ Assassins creed IV
+ Terraria
+ Bioshock Infinite
+ Tomb Rider
+ Sniper Elite V2
+ Brothers
+ The Witcher 2
+ Defiance
+ MX vs ATV Alive
+ The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief Episode 1
+ Dust: An Elysian Tail ™
+ Deadlight
+ Hitman Absolution
+ Castlestorm
3 + Dungeon Siege
+ Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
+ Forza Horizon
+ Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious
+ The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief Episode 1
+ The Wolf Among Us
+ Kinect Party - Base Game
+ Mars Rover Landing
+ Warface
+ Crimson Alliance ™
+ Doritos Crash Course
+ Harms Way
+ Ascend: Hand of Kul
+ World of Tanks
This profile is intended to be used in Russia.
Outside of the country may have difficulty downloading these games, thus you need to change the IP console on the Russian and then download the games profile.

Additional information

What is the general account?
This account, which can be used by
has bought all its people. For his
use necessarily
Internet connection! AND
below methods need
will perform with each
starting the game!

1) Load profile bought
2) Go to Settings -> Account
Record -> Downloads Journal
3) Set the purchased game
4) Start the game
5) During the start-up
disable the router (Internet)
6) Press "Guide"
7) Click "x" and exit
Profile purchased
8) Turn on the router (Internet)
9) Go to your profile and play
Change the password on the account is strictly
For this method
Controller requires two):
1) Load profile bought
2) Go to Settings -> Account
Record -> Downloads Journal
3) Set the purchased game
4) From the first gamepad go to
bought profile
5) From the second to your profile
6) Start the game
7) When you come out of the first start-up
Controller (purchased profile)
pressing the "Guide", "x"
8) Play
Detailed video
It is strictly forbidden to resell or give away the general accounts, change passwords, and they play with a purchased profile.
During these steps you lose your account.
Warranty on the account:
If you do not violate the prohibitions listed above, we are committed to providing full service for your direct input in the account for 1 month from the date of purchase.
If there are any difficulties, questions and so do not rush to write a negative review, we will be happy to assist you.
Just drop us a correspondence with the goods on this trading platform.
Advice and problem solving on ICQ, Skype, email, we do not give.
Read this Agreement, you consent to the purchase and use of this profile without any violations of these rules and regulations.


1 month 3 months 12 months
0 0 0
0 0 0
In order to counter copyright infringement and property rights, we ask you to immediately inform us at the fact of such violations and to provide us with reliable information confirming your copyrights or rights of ownership. Email must contain your contact information (name, phone number, etc.)

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