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Guide to boo. Accounting and Fin. reporting
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Uploaded: 31.05.2009
Content: accounting_and_fs_manual.zip 1083,24 kB
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14 $ | the discount is | 7% |
Product description
Guidelines for the preparation of the test on accounting and financial reporting (Accounting and Financial Statements). This test is used E & Y, PwC, Deloitte in the selection of the audit department. This test is designed to determine the knowledge of accounting and financial reporting, as well as their understanding of the candidates, and the fundamental principles of mechanics.
The package for the preparation includes:
1. Lectures on the basics of accounting and financial reporting (20 p.)
2. Glossary of terms describing the accounting (162 p.)
3. The financial statements of a comparison of the names of the articles in English and Russian languages \u200b\u200b(File Excel). The file retains all formulas for understanding the mechanics of financial statements
4. Instructions for the preparation of the test on accounting and financial reporting
For the most effective preparation for the test, we recommend testing package on accounting and financial reporting that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that will be on the test, and test their readiness for the test.
Language of material English
System requirements: The latest version of Adobe Reader, http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html?promoid=BUIGO
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