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Guinan Khairy. Rotate.
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Uploaded: 08.06.2014
Content: 40608131601463.rar 382,31 kB
Product description
Famous writer Khairy Guinan (1903-1938) is considered to be the creator of the first Bashkir novel. His novel "The Turn" covers a complex historical period in the life of the Bashkir people - with the last years before the First World War to the Civil War and the first steps of building a peaceful new life. Translation from Bashkir I. Gizatullina. Epilogue C. Safuanova. Edition 1976
Additional information
File format Word. Excerpt: "... It is necessary to Zyulyayha in boots with high heels and white with black stains, dress, tight firm, nearly put the chest. You will look on her red lips - to recall the raspberries, keeping up in upland forests. And if it is dark brown, curling hair into large ring tremble from the breeze, I could not help thinking: "That would be out of her hair weave strings for violin wood! .." And then sing pouring magical sounds, that violin, and joy flood the hearts of even those who are in his life knows neither smiles, no laughter, and with them will rejoice a silent, sullen Taiga ... "Download: Guinan Khairy. Rotate.
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