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Product description
Harun Yahya, Yaratilis Atlasi
Translated from Turkish / Harun Yahya - Istanbul, Global Publishing, October 2009, 808 pp.
ISBN 978-605-4312-02-3
Translated from Turkish: Izmailova L.Sh.
Talatpasa Mah. Emirgazi Cad. Ibrahim Elmas Is Merkezi
No.1 Kat.4 D.11 Okmeydani / ISTANBUL
PDF, 47 MB
Additional information
The reason that in this book, as in his other works, the author pays special attention to the issue of the collapse of the theory of evolution, is that Darwin´s theory is the foundation of all materialistic, godless ideologies. Darwinism, which denies the Divine creation of life, and, consequently, the existence of the Lord, for one and a half centuries was and remains the cause of atheism and moral degradation of the souls of many people. Therefore, the sacred duty of every believer is to help in every possible way to expose this false theory. We are obliged to fulfill this duty before the supreme Creator, for the sake of all people.
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